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  • chetanpatel

    27 January, 2024 at 2:30 pm in reply to: Relevance of control / balance in Bhakti

    I am guessing that Prashanth meant Atma-Samyama Yoga which includes the Dharana-Dhyana-Samadhi, the last 3 practices of the 8 pillars of Astanga Yoga. The effort to control the senses is Pratyahara which is the 4th practice.

    I think for devotion or bhakti, unconditional faith is essential and with effort comes surrender/control of the senses (pratyahara) and the mind which means giving away the power of attorney to the paramatman.

  • chetanpatel

    9 May, 2023 at 7:38 pm in reply to: Can the Knower be Known???

    It brings awareness that we are actually the atman here on a human experience once we start accepting that all atman is ONE, just some with more or some with fewer experiences and also carrying the baggage of past karma yet to be exhausted (Ocean&Wave are ONE).

    Learning from life experiences helps point the spiritual compass in the direction of trying to achieve freedom from the entanglement of pain and pleasure and realise true bliss (Bimba&Pritibimba-sweet/sour fruit)

    Then understanding that our thoughts, words we say and deeds we do should be controlled by purity, practice and perseverance. Yama and Niyama (moral and ethical) to be strictly practised. This will “allow the hot air balloon to rise” by releasing the sandbags weighing it down.

    Further, with meditation and japa we train our minds to become more focused by removing thoughts which obstruct our awareness. As thoughts become less and less, awareness becomes more and more because the inner light of consciousness is able to shine through without obstruction of thoughts. This would be when we have shed the mind also to what is called Samadhi.