PHASE 2: Vedanta Retreat

A retreat centre dedicated to development and delivery of wellness programs as well as research into mind sciences based on meditation.

In order to have any significant impact on the wellbeing of the community, the program has to be up-scalable to a larger number of schools, communities, workplaces etc. The introductory knowledge will be made available via online courses, etc. However, to properly train meditation instructors, we propose to provide a more intensive and immersive training in a suitable retreat environment through 7-day residential workshops. Only then the trained wellness instructors will be properly equipped with the required knowledge and skills in meditation to serve as teachers of mind-management techniques in their schools, communities and workplaces.

After more than one year of exploring the outskirts of Auckland in search of a suitable property to establish a Wellness Centre with facilities and programs to deliver our programs. The Ramakrishna Vedanta Centre, Auckland is purchasing a 125 acre property nestled in the secluded Waikaretu Valley in Glen Murray, Waikato at a price of $2.2M.

To facilitate these and other allied requirements to expand the program, a Vedanta-Meditation Retreat Centre would be established with the following features:

Vedanta Retreat @166 Waikaretu Valley Road, Glen Murray, Waikato

Universal Meditation Hall

This Universal Meditation Hall would be the focal point of the Wellness Centre. It will be the place for regular meditation, retreats, workshops for all members on the premises. It would be universal in its architecture and will attempt to embody and harmonise the spiritual and cultural principles of major traditions.

Vivekananda Institute of Wellness

The VedantaNz Wellness program would be delivered in communities, workplaces and schools by certified Meditation Instructors. It will be supported by a online portal which will deliver the basic information and knowledge of meditation through courses at basic, intermediate and advanced levels. Each of these levels will require the participant trainees to undergo intensive inhouse practical and disciplined training for at least 7 days. The Vivekananda Institute of Wellness will be a registered training organisation (RTO). It will have the infrastructure (meditation rooms, office space, workshop facilities) and human resources (trainers, admin, etc) to deliver regular courses to school-based teachers and community based meditation instructors from all over the country.

Boarding and Lodging Facilities for Trainees

The Centre will have accommodation for participants to regular retreats, teachers attending in-house workshops, training events, business houses bringing their senior staff for wellness training, Communities bringing their teams etc. We plan to train batches of 30 trainees at a time.


This will also provide accommodation and opportunity to young men wishing to get an experience of monastic life by actually living the life of monastic discipline and routine in a monastery.

Other facilities and resources

Bookstore, common kitchen and dining hall, fruit and vegetable gardens, some animals etc. will add to the atmosphere of the retreat centre.